Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Master of Circumstances

Dear One,
To be above and not beneath is largely a matter of choice, not a matter of position.
You are already in the position of being above and not beneath everything because you are in Christ and He is seated at My Right Hand.
However the choice is yours of whether you will be under depression or above and the master of depression, under sickness or the master of it, under poverty or the master of it, under infirmity or above it and the master of it.
It is a constant choice of yours to choose life or death, blessings or curses. It is a lifelong decision that My children make, sometimes minute by minute or hour by hour, whether to be above or beneath negative circumstances.
You will either be the master of things or the servant of things in the earth. I created you to be the master, not the servant of any negative circumstance.
Choose to proclaim your mastery of circumstances and make them your servant. Then you can serve mankind with your blessings that come from being the head and not the tail, above and not beneath.
Love, God
John 10:10
photo compliments of krisdecurtis at www.flickr.com

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