Sunday, December 9, 2007

Mental Battles

"On the lighter side of Mental Battles, meet my husband!"

Dear One,
To give an inch to the enemies of defeat, despair, depression and doubt is to give a mile.An inch is a retreat from faith, a retreat from power and a surrender of your authority.If you give an inch to a mental enemy, then you must battle to get that inch back as if it were a mile because you must establish your position of authority again.When you begin to entertain negative thoughts, vigorously reestablish your authority over that enemy and take back what was taken from you. Speak that you are the head and not the tail, that you are above and not below. Then you will be in control of your mind again and prosperity will be yours.
Love, God
Proverbs 23:6; III John 2; Deuteronomy 28:13

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