Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Sow Flowers In Your Garden

Dear One,
Bless everyone and everything and watch how quickly you are also blessed.
In blessing everyone and everything, you surround yourself with blessings.
When you curse others by negative thoughts about them, negative words about them or negative attitudes about them, you surround yourself with the same curses.
Remember that you are the seed sower in your life and the lives of your children.
Sow blessings and you will reap blessings.
Sow curses and you will reap curses.
Sow love and you will receive love.
Sow conflict and you will receive conflict in return.
Sow forgiveness and you will receive forgiveness from others.
Sow mercy and you will receive mercy from others,
Sow goodness and you will receive goodness from others.
Your life is your Garden of Eden. Sow My seeds and you will reap the abundant life
How much more simple can it be?
Love, God
Galatians 5:15&16; II Corinthians 9:10&11; Galatians 6:7-10

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