Saturday, October 17, 2009


Dear One,
Reveling in My love for you and My daily gifts of miracles is the secret to never losing your first love for Me.
When your spiritual eyes are opened and your spiritual ears are unclogged so that you can perceive the treasures that are yours, then the joy of your first encounter with me is rekindled.
It is a daily occurrence, to stroke the flames of faith by hearing My voice and seeing My works in your behalf. It is the daily communion with me that feeds My life source within you with My words and My insights. That's what true communion is, drinking My blood by hearing
My words of encouragement and also eating my body which is receiving My revelations and insights. They are spiritual food, not the earthly food of your religious communion services.
Your hunger for My wisdom is never fully satisfied because you desire to know Me more intimately every time you come to Me for My instructions and My knowledge. I give them fully for that day, and then more is desired of you as faith grows stronger and stronger. It was the daily manna that sustained the Israelites in the wilderness, and My daily words to you are your manna in life.
I am willing to share everything with you as we reason together. The result is that your love for Me grows stronger and stronger because you more intimately know Me the more you hear My words of love and My words of insight. They are health to your bones and rejuvenating life to your blood.
My love for you never diminishes and your love for Me will continue to grow the more we share our lives with one another.
Love, God
John 6:51-58;Proverbs 3:5-10; Ephesians 1:17-23

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