Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Dear One,
Don't question a person's reasons behind his actions. Also, don't question the motive behind the reason. This is none of your business. That is outside of your territorial rights. That right belongs to the person performing the action because it is his territory.
When you engage in invading another person's territorial rights by judging his actions you become like a wild animal who invades the territory of another animal, making the area as your own with every right that the true owner had. That is when domination and control has established itself in you as your god and has enticed you to establish yourself as a ruler over the other person and his area of living. Then you must be responsible for all things which happen in that territory. Do you really want to do that, be responsible for the actions of others by judging their thoughts, attitudes or actions? Surely not.
Leave the actions of others up to them and know that their seed planting will either reward them or it will subtract from their benefits.
You have juries and courts who decide whether a person's actions are right or wrong. They only make a decision after they have fully heard all the evidence from both sides. Then the proper judgment is rendered.
You are neither a court nor a jury. Leave that assessment alone.
Refrain from judging the thoughts, attitudes and actions of others. That is their territory, not yours. Their seed planting will reap what they have planted. It is no concern of yours unless they come to you for guidance.
Stay free of judgement and watch the heavens open up and bless you because of your mercy, love, joy and peace.
Love, God
Matthew 7:1-5; Luke 6:37-38; John 7:34; John 8:15-16;John 12:47

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