Friday, October 16, 2009


Dear One,
Patience is often the prime key that will usher in the answers to your prayers.
Being patient enough to wait for the inner workings of My angels to perfectly and precisely perform their assigned duties for you is the golden key that opens the chest of treasures that I have for you.
You can put patience aside and demand that things happen in your favor, but then the end result is not favorable. Things are not perfect when you demand immediate results from your prayers.
Faith and patience go together because it is impossible to have real faith without patience. It is impossible to have patience without faith. So you inherit all of your blessings through faith and patience working together.
Faith says that I will answer the prayers and patience says that it may take a while to complete the necessary work for the perfect outcome.
Time doesn't matter when the perfect answers to prayers are manifested in your behalf. When you rejoice with the results, you forget the time element.
Love, God
II Timothy 3:10; Titus 2:2 &3; Hebrews 6:12; James 1:3; II Peter 1:5-8
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