Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Dear One,
"Bless be the tie that binds your hearts in Christian love." Yes, you can be that tie that binds people together in love.
Also, you often can be the wedge that separates people into conflict and strife.
The tie that binds others together in love or the wedge that separates, which do you want to be?
The tie that binds hearts together in love also binds joy and happiness to you, bringing into your life all of the elation of heaven.
When you are the wedge that separates into conflict and strife it binds sadness and depression to you and that's what you will reap.
I am the original tie that binds hearts together in love. My Holy Spirit in you and in the earth accomplishes that mission when you allow him to do it.
The original wedge that separated men into conflict was satan, and his demons do that in your life when you yield to their temptations. They love family conflicts because that fulfills their assignment from satan.
Pray for a binding cord of love to encircle your family and their families and everyone with whom you come in contract, creating a quilt of hearts which will comfort all people and bless everyone involved. You are the beginning of the cord of love when My Holy Spirit is at work in you.
Become a tie that binds, not a wedge that separates.
Love, God
Matthew 5:43 & 44; Matthew 22:37-40;Luke 6:27-36


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