Saturday, December 8, 2012


Dear One,
     I send My love to you through many different messengers and with many different messages.   However, you must have the spiritual eyes and spiritual ears in order to recognize them.
      Messages may come in the still small voice inside of you, or in flowers, in butterflies, in billboards, in license plates, in casual remarks by strangers, in dialogue in movies, in words from songs, in print in newspapers and magazines, or may be in the words of children. They come any way that I feel that you can receive them.
     With diligence I am able to sneak My loving and encouraging words to you past blockages of confusion, unbelief, worry, fear, concern, and all evil conflicts.
      Remember how many times you sang, "Open my eyes that I might see glimpses of truth thou has for me.  Place in my hand that wonderful key that shall unlock and set me free.  Silently, Lord, I wait for thee; ready, my God, thy will to see.  Open my eyes, illumine me, Spirit divine."
     You sang it over and over and over, determined and eager to receive truths that would set you free.
     The desires of your heart were met and are still being met.  You are able to perceive spiritual truths that in the past you never understood.
     Asking Me to open your eyes to truths was, in essence, seeking Me and My kingdom.  Even singing the words of someone else who was asking for revelation knowledge opened you up to receiving My Spirit and the truths that He teaches which come from Me.
     You were unrelenting in your seeking to intimately know Me, which was a declaration to the evil spiritual principalities and powers of the air that you were choosing My family and My ways instead of their conflicting ones.  You chose life instead of death and blessings instead of curses.
     The revelations, wisdom and knowledge that came and still come as a result of your choosing My ways, My principles and the truths of My family, they flood into your mind precept by precept, line by line, here a little, there a little, only what you can handle at the time. As a result, everything beneficial has begun to overtake you.
     With My Holy Spirit as your teacher, you perceive and understand things that have been hidden in the past from My children by evil being.  Those revelations are  the wisdom and knowledge that sets men free.
     Continue in your journey to become intimately acquainted with Me so that you will be like Jesus and only say what you hear Me say and you only do what you see Me do.  Then the seeds you sow will yield love, peace and joy plants.
    Love, God
Isaiah 28:9-10; Matthew 13:10-14; John 16:12-15; Ephesians 1:16-23; Ephesians 3:14-21.
photo from Sapphires Moonbeams  

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