Tuesday, December 11, 2012


Dear One,
     You can restore your energy that has been lost from worrying and fretting by first choosing to stop those nonproductive mental activities.  They negatively result in more stress and less accomplished goals 
     By choosing only the chores that are absolutely necessary, eliminating the ones that are causing the stress, you are on the way to enjoying the holy days or holidays. 
     Is that elaborate display of decorations really necessary or can it be relegated to the unnecessary pile?  No one will kill you if you don't get a particular self-imposed duty accomplished.
     The light in your own soul is what is important.  The joy that comes from having the time to communicate with Me and pass My love on to others is much more important than earthly displays.  Your love and joy can light up the souls of others when it has been spiritually charged by our times together.
     When you feel that your thoughts are beginning to loose their sense of peace and are heading toward stress that is spiritually, physical and emotionally detrimental, you can tell your mind and body to relax.  Take deep breaths and speak relaxing words to yourself.  Your will  is the real boss of your thoughts and your emotions. You can tell them to calm down and relax like you would an unruly child.
     You can light up the world with your love and your joy which you inherited from Me.  They will continue to bless others throughout the year and not be packed up with the decorations for the season.
     Enjoy the beauty and meaningfulness of what people term "the most wonderful time of the year" by only doing what will bring joy to you and others.
Love, God
Psalm 37:1-9; Matthew 6:27-34; Hebrews 12;1-2; Philippians 4:8. 
photo from sapphires moonbeams  

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