Sunday, March 14, 2021


My Dear Precious Child,
    After Jesus Christ told the scribes and religious, political Pharisees that they would be condemned by their words, they insisted that they would believe whom He said He was, My Son, only if He did a spectacular miracle in front of their eyes.  Jesus knew that if they didn't believe after all of the healing He had done which they had observed, then no matter what He did they would not believe. He knew that they would use the miracles to somehow accuse Him further of being a lawbreaker, which was their eventual plan. In answer to their request that He perform another miracle for them, Jesus told them that they belonged to an evil and adulterous generation which sought a sign from heaven. 
    Jesus told the scribes and Pharisees that the only sign had already been given, the sign of the prophet Jonah.  He told them that just like Jonah had been in the belly of the sea creature, that He, the Son of Man, would be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth, meaning in hell.  (Jonah 1:17; Jonah 2; Matthew 12:38-40)  What greater sign could there be than that miraculous historical event that was well known to the Jews, the fact that Jonah had run from My command to prophesy to the people of Nineveh and so I had prepared a huge sea creature to swallow Jonah so that he wouldn't drown after he was thrown into the sea by the officers of the ship that he was taking in an effort to flee from My command.  When Jonah begged Me from the belly of the sea creature to save him, after three days I caused the creature to spew Jonah out of its mouth.  After I saved him from the digestive system of the sea creature Jonah completed his ministry of prophesying to the people of Nineveh about their sins. That entire event was not only real, but it was prophesying the eventual fate of Jesus Christ in His going to hell for the sins of the whole world.  It was the most marvelous sign at that time that I never stop going to great effort to save My children from the clutches of evil. 
    Jesus told the Pharisees who harassed Him that the men of Nineveh who had repented at Jonah's prophesying to them would judge and condemn the religious and political Pharisees, plus their followers, because the Pharisees who were harassing and persecuting Jesus never repented even though He, My Son Jesus Christ, was much greater than Jonah.  (Jonah 3:1-10; Matthew 12:41)  The prophesy of Jesus to the Pharisees concerning their need for repentance and binding themselves to Me instead of their being bound to doing the will of the devil included another example.  Jesus' prophesy to the Pharisees also included His prophesy that if they did not repent and turn from their evil ways that the Queen of the South would also judge and condemn them because she went from the ends of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon.  Jesus said that He and His ministry in the earth (and His eventual going to hell for the sins of the world) was much greater than Solomon and His wisdom. (I Kings 10:1-3)
   The religious and political Pharisees and scribes continued to refuse to turn from their evil ways and follow Jesus Christ as their Savior even though they had seen His magnificent miracles, heard His wise teachings, and they knew the old prophesies to which He often referred.  They continued to rely on their old covenant rules and regulations which were to become null and void when My kingdom of God came into the earth on the day of Pentecost to the people who obeyed Me and waited for My promise to become reality in their lives. (Acts 1:1-8; Acts 2:14)
    My new and final covenant with people began on that day of Pentecost and continues into your days on earth.  It is My covenant of the Holy Spirit in which I come to live inside of you and create a new spiritual being inside of you through whom I speak My words personally to you, writing them on your heart.   I also prophesy in prayers through your mouth  in My spiritual language, which allows My will to be done in your life on earth; plus I order through My spiritual language the words that send the demons who tempt and offend you into the fiery furnace. (Matthew 13: 36-42)  My Salvation becomes reality in your life when you are led by My Holy Spirit and pray in My Holy Spirit.  He is the same Spirit who raised Christ from the dead and He lives in you who are born of My Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit.  (Romans 6:4-10; Romans 8:11-14 and 26-28)
    Miracles never cease in the lives of My children who yield themselves to My marvelous plan in which I live inside of you and speak My guidance and pray My intercessory prayers. 
    Your Father of Wisdom and Miracles

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