Wednesday, April 28, 2021


My Dear Precious Child,
    After Jesus taught about John the Baptist being all a part of My plan for the salvation of the earth and then telling the religious and political leaders that the harlots and tax collectors would get into My kingdom of God before they did, He said that John the Baptist came as a righteous man but they did not believe him, but the harlots and tax collectors did.  He told the stiff necked leaders that even after they saw that the harlots and tax collectors repented, they did not repent and turn from their evil ways of oppressing people.  (Matthew 21:32)
    As was the habit of Jesus Christ, He told them another parable that proved His point.  He told them about the man who planted a vineyard, put a hedge around it and built a watch tower.   Then the man went to another country but rented out the vineyard to another person.  When the fruit season came, he sent his servants to the tenants to collect his fair share of the fruit.  The tenants beat his servants, killed other ones and stoned yet some other ones.  So he sent more servants and they did the same thing, killed them, stoned them or beat them.  Finally the man sent his own son, thinking that the tenants would respect the son of the owner of the vineyard.   When the tenants saw the son of the owners, they plotted to kill him because he was the heir to the vineyard.  They threw him out of the vineyard and killed him.  (Matthew 21:33-40)
    Jesus asked the religious and political leaders what the owner of the vineyard would do when he came back, what would he do to the tenants?   The chief priests and scribes said that he would put them to death, rent the vineyard to other tenants of better character that would pay the owner his due fruits in their season. (Matthew 21:41)
    He asked them if they had ever read in scriptures that the very Stone which the builders rejected and threw away became the Cornerstone, that it was My doing and marvelous in our eyes?  (Psalm 118:22-23)  Then Jesus made it clear that the kingdom of God would be taken away from  the religious leaders and politicians and given to people who would produce fruit from it.  (Matthew 21:43)  Jesus quoted the prophets Isaiah and Daniel when He said that whoever falls on the Stone will be broken to pieces, but he on whom it falls will be crushed to powder and it will winnow him, scattering him as dust.  (Matthew 21:44; Isaiah 8:14:Daniel 2:34-35)
     The chief priests and the Pharisees, those being the political and the religious leaders,  were not dull in their thinking.  They perceived that He was talking about them.  They wanted to arrest Him so badly, but they were afraid of the throngs of people because they regarded Jesus Christ as a prophet.  (Matthew 21:45-46)
     Jesus was clear in His teachings that the Jewish and religious leaders were not going to enter into My kingdom of God, but the lawbreakers, the tax collectors and the harlots were going to be the first people to enter into My Kingdom of God, of which Jesus Christ had long been teaching.  It was going to happen while the people who were living at the time were still living.  The political and religious leaders who thought they were God's anointed and treasured people were going to be last to enter and the pagan sinners were going to be first to enter into My kingdom of God on the day of Pentecost in the upper room.
    The mysteries are being revealed in the parables of Jesus Christ.
    Your Father of Glorious Surprises 

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