Thursday, November 1, 2007

Overcome Your Enemies

Overcome Your Enemies
Dear One,
You notice I said that I have overcome the evil one. You must overcome the evil one now that you have My power in you.OVERcome is to end up in the superior position of authority over another. OVERcoming is to defeat another with you standing in the position of total authority.To be OVER, OVER, OVER is to put your enemy under your feet as the loser, the defeated one. Then you become the victorious one, the winner. Don't let him defeat you with his attempts to get you into depression, fear, unbelief, doubt, jealousy, perversion, discontent, emotional swing and conflict.Don't ever get use to losing to him so that you maintain a loser attitude. You are a winner, a king, you are the ultimate authority in the world because I am in you. You have already overcome the enemy in many areas and you will overcome him in everything.
Love, God
John 16:33 I John 4:4

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