Thursday, February 5, 2009


Dear One,
You have seen miraculous answers to prayers. You will see more, and each one will be more spectacular than the former. You delight in the smallest and largest miracles, so you keep your childlikeness through which I can more effectively work.
Remember that, yes, there is a time for all things. My timing is that the answers to your prayers is immediately completed in My heaven but there are other people and circumstances involved in the earth, so that is why you must have patience.
Create the atmosphere in the earth through which I can bring the answers to prayers to you more quickly by having faith and patience and also by being loving, kind, gentle, joyful, thankful and merciful. Everyone needs miracles and you must be merciful to the ones who need them the most but who appear to be the least deserving. You don't know their hearts or their experiences.
Spread love around everywhere you go and you will see miracles happen.
Love, God
Galatians 5:22; Hebrews 6:12
photo courtesy of krisdecurtis at

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