Sunday, August 9, 2009


Dear One,
You can readily discern which spiritual kingdom is present in the atmosphere around a person. The spiritual atmosphere around you is also readily discernible by other people.
You can discern the atmosphere of strife, conflict, division, anger or fear when you walk into a room. You either feel comfortable or uncomfortable, anxious or calm.
You see, every room in every home, office or building is filled to capacity with either spirits of light or spirits of darkness, depending upon the attitudes of the people in authority in those rooms.
You either beckon beings of the kingdom of Love or beings of the kingdom of hated into your spiritual atmosphere.
If you will only realize that you are never alone. When you are walking in love, you are truly surrounded by a great number of spiritual being who are eager to please you by working in your behalf. Make sure by your attitudes that the spirits in your home, office and building are My angels and not destructive spirits who are invited by your negative thoughts, words and attitudes. They are adversaries to your loving authority in the earth.
Clean your thoughts, words and attitudes and you will clean your spiritual atmosphere of the negative spirits who wish to defeat you. Do not ignorantly invite them into your life.
If you do invite them in, they must flee when you decide to cast them out or when you resist them or when you clean house in your mind of all negativity. Forgiveness is a good cleaning tool. Love, God
Hebrews 12:1; James 1:16-26; James 4:7

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