Sunday, August 23, 2009


Dear One,
During gold rush days people gather together from all areas of the globe to mine for gold. They leave family and home to seek for riches They put in hours from daybreak to dark mining and sifting for nuggets that will enrich their lives. The amount of work is often without reward because of lack of knowledge and experience.
There are more valuable nuggets of truth that I have for you and they are not hidden by Me. They are for your taking, easily obtained and ready for you. They satisfy the longing of your heart and the thirst of your soul. They are the riches that nothing can destroy because they are eternal and everlasting. They are the rock upon which you can build all of your life.
Seek Me and find nuggets of truth that equal riches beyond your imagination.
Love, God
Matthew 16:16 & 17; John 14:17; John 15:27; John 16:13-15

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