Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Dear One,
Do you choose to be healed? That's no problem for Me.
Do you choose to be loving? That's no problem for Me.
Do you choose to be prosperous? That's no problem for Me.
Do you choose to be stable? That's no problem for Me.
Do you choose to be free? That's no problem for Me.
Do you choose to be joyful? That's no problem for Me
Do you choose to be fruitful? That's no problem for Me.
Do you choose to be generous? That's no problem for Me.
Do you choose to be kind? That's no problem for Me.
Do you choose to be merciful? That's no problem for Me.
If you will zero in on the key word in each line you will see that everything is a choice.
When you go back to the beginning you see that you have a choice between blessings and curses, good and evil.
My way, the way of a mind that is focused on the good things of life, will bring all the good things that you desire.
Focusing your mind on all of the negative, unfruitful, bad things of life will bring you all of the bad things that you don't actually desire.
Magnify the good and it will enlarge.
Magnify the bad and it will enlarge.
Magnify good and the bad will diminish. Then the good will overpower the bad and more and more good will be produced.
When you magnify good things in your mind, you magnify Me. I am the giver of all good things.
Love, God
Philippians 4:8 & 9; Psalm 34:3;Psalm 69:30; Luke 1:46 & 47; James 1:17

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