Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Dear One,
In the earth a parent who refuses to provide food for his children is charged with neglect and abuse.
I am not neglectful and I am not abusive. I provide fresh, nutritious spiritual food for My children in the form of words that feed your soul.
I told you that when the Holy Spirit came into you that He would lead and guide you into all truth and He would show you things to come.
He is doing those things now for you when He takes My Book and explains the teachings to you. He also brings My Words of personal encouragement to you, which are My own special mixture of vitamins and minerals and herbs, supplements for your mind. Those nutrients enhance and improve your mind, but they also benefit your body because of the good elements that are released into your being when you know beyond the shadow of a doubt that you are loved unconditionally and provided for expeditiously.
My Words of love and encouragement to you are elixirs which permeate every cell of your body and mind, healing you and renewing you over and over again.
Remember that My Words are power, the most complete power drink in the universe!
Love words perfect!
Love, God
John 16:13-15; I Timothy 2:4; John 7:38

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