Saturday, December 4, 2021


My Dear Precious Child, Repetitious thoughts of sympathy for your own self invites the devil to inflict you with the curses that come with "poor me" thoughts. To entertain thoughts of being infected with "woe is me" is an indication that you have joined to a demonic spirit which has the desire to defeat you by placing you in the human category of being a "loser" while all of the time you are, as I say, a winner instead of a loser merely by the Holy Spirit living inside of your spirit. Yielding to a "poor me" loser demon placed in your mind from hell entrenches you in the devil's curses instead of your being in My territory of blessings by your standing up to the loser image placed in your mind from hell and your confessing to the heavens that you are My child and therefore you are a winner instead of a loser. Your confession of being either a winner or a loser determines whose angels you are inviting to govern the outcome of your life. Isaiah wrote that woes come upon a person who calls evil good and calls good evil, who calls light darkness and darkness light, who calls bitter things as being sweet and who call sweet things as being bitter. (Isaiah 13:39; Isaiah 5:24) In other words, your yielding to "poor me" thoughts produces faith in your mind for the curses of the devil to become reality in your life because you have agreed with his will for your life instead of your agreeing with Me and professing that you are the head and not the tail, that you are above and not below, that you are a winner instead of a loser. Whatever you believe in your heart, you become. Remember the old adage of the devil laying an egg of "poor me" in your mind and whether you have curses or blessings in your life depends upon what you allow to remain there and hatch in your continuing thoughts. If you allow the devil's "poor me" or "woe is me' thoughts to remain in your mind and you think upon them regularly, you hatch them and you allow them to produce "woe is me" events in your life on earth. I intend that your life is filled with My blessings, not that your life on earth is filled with curses from hell. Whatever you image in your mind, you allow those images to become reality in your life. ( Proverbs 23:7a) To the person whose thoughts dwell on the woes of life, I prophesied through Isaiah that just like fire devours stubble, the woeful person's roots will be rottenness and their blossom will go up in dust because they have cast away My words that say that you are blessed, that you are the head and not the tail, that you are above and not below. (Deuteronomy 28:13) I said that those are examples of My blessings that I have for you. However, the curses that the devil has for people who bind themselves to him in thoughts, those thoughts will become reality by the people entertaining the devil's "poor me" thoughts and then adding faith that they will happen. (Proverbs 23:7) The images in their mind will become reality. My Son Jesus Christ, who was the ultimate and primary dispenser of My Truth in the world, told the Jewish Pharisees and scribes that woes were going to come into their lives on earth because they yielded to the devil's temptations to keep other people from entering into My kingdom and My blessings by their own choice of not entering in and then their discouraging other people not to enter in. Jesus Christ also told the Jewish scribes and Pharisees that their yielding to the devil's temptations to devour widows and travel over sea and land to make one convert, that they doubly make that person every bit a child of hell as they are. It is through that scenario that they become blind fools by deceiving even the elect, as identified by Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ also told the Jewish scribes and Pharisees that they had yielded to the devil's temptations to teach peole to swear by heaven, by the altar or by the gifts on the altar and they inherit the devil's woes as a result. Jesus Christ also told the Jewish scribes and Pharisees that they paid their tithes but they also yielded to the devil's temptations to neglect the more important things of the law which are righteousness, mercy and love for their fellow man. He said they neglect the most important things. He said they swallowed a camel while filtering out a gnat. Jesus Christ also told the Jewish scribes and Pharisees that they were hypocrites nd impure, that they are white washed on the outside but inside they are full of the bones of dead people. Jesus Christ also told the Jewish scribes and Pharisees that they were hypocrites, saying that they had decorated the tombs of the righteous people, and they proclaimed that if they had lived in the day of the prophets that they would have aided them and protected them. Instead, he said, they are the descendants of the very people who murdered the prophets. He called them snakes, a spawn of vipers who cannot escape the penalties to be suffered in hell. Jesus Christ prophesied that He was going to send to the Jewish scribes and Pharisees prophets and wise men who would tell them Truth and yet they would reject them, crucify them, beat them in their churches, and persecute them from town to town, all by being influenced by demons from hell to do it. Then Jesus also prophesied that retribution would overtake the scribes and Pharisees for all of the blood shed of the just people, those people whose blood had forever been shed on earth from the blood of Abel to the blood of the prophet Zechariah whom they had already murdered in the temple between the altar and the sanctuary. He told them that the devil would send evil upon their lives because they believed him, that he would curse their lives and that I would not be able to protect them because they had bound themselves to him in loyalty. It was at that time in the history of My relationship with people that I referred to the Jewish people as being "Jerusalem." Jesus Christ said that they would murder the prophets and stone people whom I would sent to them to appeal to them to repent. He told them that many, many times He had desired to gather their children together like a mother hen gathers her chicks, but they refused His efforts to save them. He told them that because they yielded to the devil's commands instead of to My guidance that their positions in the earth would produce abandonment and destitution for them. I told them through Jesus Christ that they would not experience My presence until they blessed Christ whom I had sent to them to save them. (Matthew 23:13-39) It's not worth it for you to entertain "poor me" thoughts for a moment. Entertaining those "woe is me" temptations in your mind will place you in the devil's family and you will experience his curses instead of your experiencing My blessings in your life on earth as I intended and as I guide you to find on the paths of My righteousness. (Psalm 23:3; Matthew 7:13-17) Your Father of Pure Faith Thoughts

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