Monday, February 21, 2022


My Precious Child, The apostle Paul wrote frequently about your conscience not condemning you and if your conscience doesn't condemn you, then you are victorious. Your conscience is able to condemn you when you are ruled by old covenant religious laws which require punishment instead of forgiveness; forgiveness being My way of handling lawbreakers. I am able to immediately forgive lawbreakers because I know that the source of all lawbreaking is the devil who tempts you to sin and then condemns you for following his temptation. It's the condemnation which eventually brings death. My forgiveness always brings Life. In Paul's confession to his Jewish captors, he professed that he always had a conscience void of offenses against Me and men. (Acts 24:15) Under the same scenario he also professed that he had lived in all good conscience before Me. (Acts 23:1) Paul wrote to the believers at Rome that I write the work of My laws (words) on the hearts of believers and that their conscience also identifies those words as Truth. When they have thoughts, speak words or do actions, then their thoughts either accuse them or excuse them depending on if My words are written on their hearts or if the devil uses old covenant law what is written in books that they can recall which condemns them. If old covenant Law is relied upon as a basis for their conscience to either excuse or accuse them, then their thoughts will always be accusatory. If My new covenant words of love are written in their minds and hearts, then their sins will be excused and forgotten. (Romans 2:15) Paul used eating food sacrificed to idols as an example. He wrote that when you are rooted in grace and have no laws in your mind that accuse you of the offense of eating food dedicated to idols, then if you do eat the food you are neither accused or excused because it's not a sin to you. However, He also wrote that if you eat food sacrificed to idols and someone near by sees your liberty, if that person eats the food sacrificed to idols when his conscience is filled with old covenant laws which condemn him for eating that particular food, then he is condemned by his conscience for eating what was free for you to eat. You must be careful of your choices under those circumstances because if your liberty is the reason for somebody whose conscience will accuse him for eating food sacrificed to idols is encouraged by you to eat the food, then you are a stumbling block to that person, causing him to sin because his conscience will accuse him which will result in the devil's condemnation which can bring death. So you have sinned against the person by damaging his conscience that is so weak as to believe what the Jewish religious Law says about eating food sacrificed to idols. Therefore, if your eating food sacrificed to idols causes another person to fail to follow his conscience, then it's better to never eat the food again in case you cause another person to defy his conscience. ( I Corinthians 8:12) Paul wrote to Timothy that he must, as a minister of Mine, hold onto the mystery of the faith in a pure conscience. If your freedom to do something causes another person to do something that he considers sin, then you have contributed to his sinning. It's not worth it for you to flaunt your freedom before a person who is weak in conscience, because you have influenced him or her to sin and caused his conscience to condemn him. Love does not cause another person to sin by bypassing his own conscience. Love encourages another person to follow his or her own conscience. Your Father of Love and Consideration

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