Tuesday, February 28, 2023


My Dear Precious Child, When Jesus Christ taught His disciples He used parables to teach certain truths in order for His disciples to understand them, but the Pharisees, Sadduccees, priests and religious politicians were blind to the truths contained within them. There were more of the parables that Matthew remembered and wrote about than the ones that Mark remembered, understood, and wrote about. Mark wrote about the sower of the seed of My Kingdom of God in its entirety just like Matthew did. Mark wrote that the harvest of the sower in rich soil yielded a harvest thirty, sixty and a hundred fold. His story about the harvest of the people with good soil would yield a harvest of differing degrees, indicating that some people would hear the truth about being born again, believe in the ministry of Jesus Christ and be satisfied with that harvest of 30% of truth in his or her life on earth. There are people who hear the same teachings about Jesus Christ and His marvelous ministry in the world but they only understand 60% of the teachings of Jesus Christ and those seeds only grow a partial crop of joy unspeakable and peace immeasurable, but there are still 40% more teachings about truths that the seed from the sower did not uncover in order to bring a 100% harvest of blessings from the seed; that being the truths about being baptized in My Holy Spirit which allows My children to pray in the language of My Holy Spirit, which produces the highest harvest of all prayers. The people who do bring a 100% harvest in their lives on earth are the ones who hear the truth about My Kingdom of God coming to live in the life of a person, that person seeks Me and finds Me by understanding more truths, incorporating into his or her life every truth found in the teachings of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John which they remembered and wrote about in the parables. (Mark 4:13-20) Matthew wrote that a benefit of some of My children who yield a 100% harvest means that those of My children hear My truths about the harvest of truths, incorporate all of the truths into his or her life and become bright as the sun because all the demonic causes of offenses are cast into the lake of fire in the abyss. (Matthew 13:36-43) Instead of teaching about My children receiving My Kingdom of God into his or her life and casting the demons out of your life and becoming bright as the sun, Mark wrote about not hiding your lamp of truths under a bed, because everything that is hidden must be revealed, that nothing relating to My mysteries and secrets should be kept secret. Then Mark wrote that anyone who has ears to hear, let him listen to truths. (Mark 4:21-23) Mark was less extensive in His explanation of the many parables of Jesus. That is why I included all of the writings of the disciples/apostles, in order to include all of the teachings of Jesus Christ. Matthew was much more blessed with the knowledge of truths in the parables, thus He was blessed with revelation knowledge which produced more blessings in his life on earth. Your Father of Hidden Treasures

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