Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Stone Bridge, Stand Fast

Stone Bridge
Originally uploaded by michrose2000
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Stand Fast
Dear One,
When I told My children, "Having done all, stand," I meant to stand with your feet planted firmly, immovable, refusing to give up your position and refusing to give up on your prayers and your requests for anything and everything that you know My promises provide for you.
The enemy will trick you into giving up by tempting you to compromise your thought life and compromise your conversation, urging you to fixate on negatives instead of positives. He will entice you with thoughts of defeat, ambivalence, confusion and indecision. If he can get you to that point, then you no longer are standing with your feet planted firmly in My promises.
If you have fallen for the tricks of the enemy by entertaining negative thoughts, then you must stand back up, regain your position of authority, regain our thought life and conversation and reclaim your promises. Continue to stand until you see the manifestation of the promises.
Stand upright in a firm position, remaining unchanged, resisting every thought of defeat, withstanding him with courage and steadfastness. He can only defeat you if he gains your agreement with his negative plans.
Stand fast until you attain your inheritance.
Love, God
Galatians 5:1
Ephesians 6:11-13

Posted by "Dear One, Love God........." at 3:56 AM 0 comments

Labels: 1993 stand up for your inheritance, September 25

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