Monday, November 16, 2009


Dear One,
When you pray without ceasing you see the results of those prayers in the lives of others and also in your life. You see mountains moved and deserts replenished, lives saved, fortunes restored, relationships preserved and bodies healed.
When you pray without ceasing you are bringing the activities and powers of the heavens into the earth and you are seeing My will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Be sure and remember that very often you do not feel the faith that you profess with your mouth while you are waiting for the answers to prayers. Most often your mouth is professing faith while your emotions are trying to convince you that you are crazy for believing that good will come as a result of your prayers. At that moment you must choose to believe your profession of faith and you must rebuke fear and unbelief. Tell your emotions that I am the author and finisher of your faith, and that I am not a liar, I will prevail until the answer becomes established in the situation.
When you profess with your mouth and believe in your heart, I will do what you ask. I AM your loving Father.
Love, God
Luke 6:45; Romans 10:8-10; Mark 11:23

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