Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Dear One,
Persist, persist. persist, persist, persist and then persist some more in prayer. I told My children that persistent prayers accomplish much.
Sometimes you don't know how difficult it is for Me to bring solutions to your needs and provisions for your desires to you. The difficulty is in dealing with the wills of other people who are engaged in the situation for which you are praying.
Very often there is much resistance in the heavens, and often there is much resistance in the earth between you and ones who are involved in the circumstances that are the subject of your needs, wants and desires.
Persistence is the key because My angelic workers and I must have your intercession and participation in order to get the answers to you.
I said that the effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous man accomplishes much. The effect will always be wonderful when fervent prayers are administered in the situation and applied to the circumstances.
There is never failure in any area of your life when you pray fervently about every situation.
I said when you don't know how to pray, the Holy Spirit prays in My language with great power to be applied in the situation. After you have persisted, persist some more. Then the blessings will flow and you will be delighted with the results.
Love, God
Colossians 4:12; James 5:16; Ephesians 6:18; Jude 1:20;Romans 8:26 and 27

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