Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Dear One,
Taking care of yourself physically, emotionally and spiritually, and taking care of your possessions is what stewardship is all about. I called all men to be caretakers of everything in their domain, everything that relates to your body, your soul and your spirit.
Your body is the covering for the real you, your spirit, and your body keeps your spirit earthbound and it protects you from the elements.
Your soul, which is your mind, is the computer for the real you, the spirit, and it is the receptor for My instructions which flow from My Spirit who is housed in your spirit.
It is imperative that you keep your body and your mind in first rate condition since they serve as vehicles for the real you, the spiritual being.
Your possessions, your home, your vehicles and all of the amenities that go with your home are part of your inheritance from Me, and you must care for them and honor them as gifts from Me, caring for them with your utmost devotion.
Your family is part of your inheritance from Me. You must treasure the members of your family just like you treasure Me, for your relationship with them is a reflection of your relationship with Me. Stewardship is evident in your caring for your family. They must be nurtured and prized as extensions of My love to you. Your friends are gifts, too. Treasure and care for those relationships just like you treasure Our relationship.
Everything that graces your life, large or small, should be appreciated and treasured in order for stewardship to be effective.
In true stewardship the giving part is My responsibility but the caring part is your responsibility. My giving part is easy because of My love for you. Your caring part is your responsibility. It is an extension of your thanksgiving to Me for My gifts that I have given to you. The caring part from you is an outgrowth of a grateful heart, a heart that values My gifts so much that you treat them with love and respect, caring for them as valuables because they are gifts from Me to you.
Stewardship is caring for and giving value to what has been given to you. I made you the caretaker of everything that pertains to you. I appreciate your tender care for everything I have given you. Thank you.
Love, God
Genesis 1: 26-31; Luke 12:42 and 43;

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