Saturday, April 20, 2019


My Dear Precious Child,
   To explain further the difference between the old covenant and the new covenant, the writer of the letter to the Hebrew churches explained fully the three chambers of the sanctuary.  He identified the tent itself as having two compartments.  In the first compartment, called the Holy Place, he said there is the lampstand, the table and the presentation loaves.  There is a veil separating it from the innermost part which is called the Holy of Holies.  Inside of the Holy of Holies is the gold altar of incense, the ark of the covenant which is covered with gold, a gold jar containing the manna, Aaron's branch that grew the buds and the stone tablets of the covenant.  Behind it, on top, is the throne of mercy and spread out over it are the glorious cherubs.  The writer wrote that it was not the time to go into further detail about it because it would be time consuming. (Hebrews 9:1-5)
    Priests were constantly going into the outer tent to carry out acts of worship, but the second compartment is entered only once a year, only by the high priest who goes in by himself and takes the blood to offer for his own faults and the faults of the people.  My Holy Spirit revealed that no one has the right to go into the sanctuary as long as the outer tent remains standing.  It is symbolic for the present time.  The sanctuary is only a symbol, a prophesy of things to come in the new covenant.  It is not to be worshiped.  None of the gifts and sacrifices offered under the rules and regulations of the Law can bring a worshiper to perfection in his inner self because they are only rules for the outward life concerning food, drinks and washing, intended to be in force until something more perfect came.  He did come and He was Jesus Christ, My Son. (Hebrews 9:6-8)
    Now Christ has come as the high priest of all the blessings.  He passed through a more perfect tent, more perfect than the one made with human hands because it is not made of any earthly materials.  Christ has entered into My heaven once and for all, not taking with Him the blood of calves and goats.  Instead, He took His own blood, having won eternal redemption for the whole world.  So if the blood of goats and calves are sprinkled on the people and the things that had incurred defilement, and they restored the holiness of the outward lives of the people, how much more effective is the blood of Christ, who offered Himself as the perfect sacrifice to Me through His Eternal Spirit to purify your inner self from dead actions so that you can do devoted family service with Me, the living God.  (Hebrews 9:11-14)
    So Christ Jesus brings a new covenant, as a mediator, only so that the people who are called to an eternal inheritance may actually receive what was promised by Me.  The death of Jesus took place to cancel the commandments that were broken in the early covenant.  When a person dies, his or her death must be attested to and established.  The inheritance only becomes valid when the death occurs and then a will is produced.  The will is not in effect as long as the person is alive.   That explains why even with the old covenant there needed something to be killed in order for it to be in effect.  In fact, Moses sprinkled the blood of the goats and calves because the Law says that without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins.  Obviously it's only the copy of heavenly things that can be purified in that way, and they have to be purified by a higher sort of sacrifice than the shedding of blood of goats and calves, that being the blood of My Son Jesus Christ.  (Hebrews 9:15-23)
     It is not that Christ entered into a man-made sanctuary which was only modeled after the real one, but He entered into heaven itself so that He would appear with Me on your behalf.  Christ does not have to offer Himself over and over again like the high priest did by going into the sanctuary year after year with blood that is not his own.  Christ does not have to offer Himself over and over again like the earthly high priests.  He made His appearance once and for all at the end of the old and last age of Mosaic Law and he did away with sin itself by sacrificing Himself for the sins of the whole world.  So Christ Jesus offered Himself only once to take the faults of many on Himself.  (Hebrews 9:24-28)  His actions brought My covenant of My Holy Spirit into the world so that I would make My temple inside of people, instead of in a tent or a building, and I would be their Father and they would be My children. 
    You are the temple of the Holy Spirit in the earth just like Christ Jesus was My temple in the earth.  You are body, mind and spirit, just like the sanctuary was three parts, the outer court, the Holy Place and the Holy of Holies.  From the inside of you and My other children of promise, from your spirit here I live, I establish My kingdom of heaven.  From the inside of you and My other children, from your spirit where I live, I make you into My image.  From the inside of you and My other children, from your spirit where I live, I speak to you through My Holy Spirit and guide you away from the devil's traps.  It is from the inside of you and My other children of promise, from your spirit where My Holy Spirit lives, that I provide you with the authority to cast offending demons out of you, out of others and out of the world, casting them into hell, as prophesied by Christ Jesus, thus making the demons a footstool for the feet of Christ Jesus. ( Matthew 13:36-42)
    Rise to the occasion, My child, and assume the responsibility of which Jesus prophesied, that of doing the greater works of ridding the world of the demons that Adam allowed to flood into the earth.  Christ Jesus took care of the devil and his works in the earth.  Now My children of promise need to cast out the devil's demons and send them to hell, making them a footstool for the feet of Christ Jesus. (Mark 12:36)
    Your Father of Only One Perfect Covenant

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