Wednesday, April 17, 2019


My Dear Precious Child,
    Every word that comes out of My mouth brings life producing joy to My children in the earth.  The writer of the book of Hebrews identified My words as energizing, active, operative, alive, effective and full of power.  He said that the words that proceed from My mouth are so powerful that they can even cut between the human mind with its doubts and unbelief and penetrate the spirit of a person where there is a desire for My truth.  He said that My words expose and judge the demonic, destructive thoughts that are in the human mind and shift the person's thinking until that person has My positive, pure thoughts instead of the polluted life-robbing former thoughts.  My active words deliver My Kingdom of Heaven into the minds of My children instead of the devil's hell which has previously been resident there.  They create My life and My heaven in the human minds where there once was hell with its destructive thoughts.  It is only My words have that awesome inspiring power (Hebrews 4:12)
    The writer of Hebrews also wrote that there is not a creature in the earth whose mental exercises are not revealed to Me.  Their minds are naked and exposed to Me.  I created them and I have retained the authority to discern their thoughts. (Hebrews 3:13)  However, I cannot overcome their wills in the earth.
    You have My Son Christ Jesus, your Brother who walked in the earth in the same type of flesh in which you are walking and He performed in the world the first duty that I gave to Him, which was to reveal My true nature to the people in world.  He did that by teaching about attitudes and thoughts, contrasting human thoughts with spiritual thoughts.  Then He defeated the works of the devil in the lives of people while He was in the earth by healing people, casting out demons and teaching about My kingdom coming into the earth. 
   Eventually came the most important of His assignments from Me, which was to be crucified for the sins of the whole world.  The devil requires death for sins which he tempts My children to do, so My Son paid the price of dying and going to hell for everyone who ever lives in the earth.  Remember that the devil is the father of death.  Christ Jesus went to hell for you.  While He was there He took back from the devil all authority to the earth which I had given to Adam but which Adam had handed it over to the devil.  Then My Holy Spirit catapulted My Son Christ Jesus out of hell and back into the earth where He was observed by over 500 people.  He continued to teach about My Kingdom of Heaven which was coming into the earth to live in My children when Christ Jesus came to sit down in My heaven with Me, ceasing from His labors just like I ceased from My labors on the 7th day of creation. 
    The day of My Kingdom of Heaven coming into the earth as prophesied by many prophets and Christ Jesus happened after Christ told His disciples and followers to go to Jerusalem to wait for My power to come upon them and into them. (Acts 1:1-9)  My children who were obedient took part in the most important and glorious day in the history of the world, the day of the first Pentecost.  It had been prophesied by many prophets and also Christ Jesus that I would send My Holy Spirit into the earth to live in My children.  I said that they would dream prophetic dreams and see prophetic visions, that I would put My words in their hearts and in their mouths, which was evident on that first Pentecost.  ON THAT DAY IT BECAME POSSIBLE FOR MY CHILDREN IN THE EARTH TO ALSO REST FROM THEIR LABORS, JUST LIKE I RESTED FROM MY LABORS AND CHRIST JESUS RESTED FROM HIS APPOINTED LABORS WHEN HE CAME TO SIT DOWN WITH ME IN MY HEAVEN.
    On that glorious day My words of divine power, the same words that created the earth in the beginning, proceeded from the mouths of the people in the Upper Room as My Kingdom of Heaven came to be resident in the spiritual dimension around the believers.  The most awesome event that happened that day is that I came to live inside of My children where I am able to create within them a new creation by the power of My Holy Spirit, a creature with My character, My nature and My love.  I also am able to surround My children in the spiritual dimension with My Kingdom of Heaven which descended into the earth that day to work for Me from that day forth in purifying the earth of the curses that the devil unleashed upon the earth when Adam allowed him free access to My earthly creation.  (Genesis 3:16-19)
    The devil always wanted to be a god and Adam had allowed him to become god of the earth in the beginning.  Christ Jesus said when He walked the earth that the prince of the earth is already judged and that My children would execute that final judgment on him and his demons by casting them out of the earth and into hell (John 12:31; John 16:11; Matthew 13: 36-43) That happens often when you are allowing My spiritual words to flow from your mouth in other tongues. 
     Housecleaning of the earth happens every time My children pray in My spiritual language. (Ephesians 6:11-18)  My solutions to earthly problems proceed from your mouth and My will is spoken with My instructions for ridding the earth of offending demonic spirits when My children pray in the Holy Spirit.  The outcome is that My children shine like the noonday sun in the earth, drawing all people to me. 
    Your Father of Perfect Plans That Never Fail

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