Thursday, September 2, 2021


My Dear Precious Child, Paul wrote by My revelation that if you live by the dictates of the flesh where the devil tempts you, you will die; but if, by the Holy Spirit's power in you, you put to death the evil deeds of your body, you will live a life of abundance. (Romans 8:13 and John 10:10) In explaining that truth, he wrote that everyone who is led by the Spirit of God are My children. He explained that you did not receive a demonic spirit of slavery leading you back into fear, but you received a Spirit of adoption through which you can cry to Me as your Father. In fact, he explained that the Holy Spirit, Himself, is a witness in your spirit that you are My child. Since you are My child, you are an heir also, one of My heirs along with Christ since you have suffered with Him on the cross and you have also been glorified with Him by having the glory of the Holy Spirit present in your life. (Romans 8:13-17) The sufferings of Christ were abundant in the first church because of the persecution by the Pharisaical Jews who harassed and beat them. In Paul's life, there were more persecutions and harassment because of the attitudes of the other apostles who doubted Paul's being an apostle because he did not walk and talk physically with Jesus Christ. Paul's testimony of his personal encounter with Jesus Christ on the occasion of his being on the road to Damascus did not seem to impress those apostles at all for a while. However, after 15 years when he explained His commission from Me to evangelize the Gentiles, that was welcomed by the other apostles. That relieved them of ministering to the Gentiles because Paul had a calling from Me to do it. He considered as nothing the sufferings of his calling by Me compared to the glory to eventually be revealed to him along with the rest of the believers. Actually, Paul wrote that the whole entire created world waits for the revealing of My sons when they finally realize the power that has been granted in their lives by their being baptized in My Holy Spirit. He wrote that all of creation was made subject to the demonic world, not as a manner of personal choice but because Adam subjected it to the devil; yet creation is not without hope because the world will be freed from slavery to corruption and share in the glorious freedom of My children when My children have revealed to them the power that exists inside of them. (Romans 8:19-25 Paul wrote that the world itself groans in agony even now. Not only that, but Christians themselves, although they have the Holy Spirit as a first Fruit, they groan inwardly while they wait for the revelation of My power to be made known to them. He wrote that in hope My children were saved but hope is not hope if the promise is seen. Awaiting for what you cannot see awaits the promise with patient endurance. However, the Holy Spirit helps you in the weakness of your flesh, because when you don't know how to pray the Holy Spirit intercedes with words that cannot be expressed in known human speech. He, the Holy Spirit, who searches your heart knows what the Spirit means when He prays, interceding for the saints as I, Myself, wills. (Romans 8:26-27) Paul proclaimed that everything works together for the good of those people who are called according to My decree, being called into unity with Me. (Romans 8:28) I knew you before you were born in the earth and I predestined that you would share in being made in My image and the image of My Son because Jesus Christ was the first born of My many children. Those whom I knew before their birth in the earth are called by Me and I justified them by baptizing them in My Holy Spirit, causing them to be born of My Spirit for justification and then baptized in My Holy Spirit for glorification. (Romans 8:28-30) So what more can you say about that except that since God is for you, who can be against you? Paul wrote that it's guaranteed that I, who did not spare My own Son but handed Him over to the devil's judgment for the sins of the whole world, will certainty grant to you all things that are Mine. (Romans 8:31-32) So, because of the greatness of My mercy and forgiveness, who can bring a charge against you? Can I who justifies you? No. Who can condemn you? Can Jesus Christ who died and was raised up for you and sits at My right hand? No. Nothing can separate you from My Love, not trials, distresses, persecutions, hunger, nakedness, danger or a sword. Paul said that for the sake of the brethren he was looked upon as being a sheep for the slaughter. Yet, because of Him who loved Paul, His being Christ, Paul professed to be more than a conqueror. He proclaimed that neither death nor life, neither My angels nor demonic principalities, neither the present nor the future, nor demonic powers, neither height nor depth nor any other creature is able to separate you from My love that comes to you in Christ Jesus, the Lord. You are My child and nothing can come between us except an act of your will. Paul never even considered that to be his choice. He personally met Love on the road to Damascus and he would never, ever choose to leave Me. Once you have met My Love through the person of the Holy Spirit, rebellion from you is never a viable choice. (Ephesians 3:14-21) Your Father of Intense and Compelling Love

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