Wednesday, September 15, 2021


My Dear Precious Child, As was Paul's normal practice in writing his letters to the churches, he warned the Colossian believers to be careful of false teachers who diverted the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to worshiping of angels such as astrological figures which had crept into the Christian churches in Jerusalem and other localities. He encouraged the people to continue in the faith of Jesus Christ and refuse to adopt any cosmic idols. He clearly admonished them to continue in their faith in Christ the Lord, to continue to be firm in being rooted and built up in Him, growing stronger and stronger in faith as they were taught, and overflowing with gratitude to Me. He told them not to be deceived through empty philosophies that follow human traditions, a philosophy that believes in cosmic powers rather than believing in Christ's powers administered by the Holy Spirit. (Colossians 2:4-8) Paul was certain in his belief that the fullness of My deity resided in bodily form in Christ Jesus, and that humans share in His fullness, in Him who is the head of every principality and power. He spoke of the spiritual circumcision that they enjoyed, not the circumcision performed with human hands but with Christ's circumcision which strips off the carnal body completely. He stressed that in baptism they were not only buried in Christ Jesus, but they were also raised to new life with Him because of their belief in My power of the Holy Spirit who raised Him from the dead. Paul revealed to them, and you, that even when all of you were dead in sin and your flesh was uncircumcised, I gave new life to all believers in My family with Christ. I pardoned all of your sins through Christ and canceled the demonic bonds that stood against humans with all of their guilty claims, snatching them up and nailing them to the cross. It was then that I stripped their authority and disarmed all demonic principalities and powers, making a public show of them openly in the heavens by leading them captive, and Christ becoming triumphant. (Colossians 2:9-15) He made sure that they realized that no person could pass judgment on the believers in terms of what they should eat or drink or what they did on yearly or monthly feasts or on the sabbath. Those feasts were only a shadow of things to come in Christ and My New Covenant of the Holy Spirit, them being the reality of the body of Christ. He instructed the believers in Colossae not to let anyone rob them of their prize of salvation by insisting on the worship of angels such as one who takes pride in his experience, being inflated with empty pride by his mere human reflections of truth. Instead, your faith must depend upon the whole body of Christ being mutually supported and held up by joints and ligaments that achieve growth from My source of Christ and My source of the Holy Spirit only.(Colossians 2:16-20) Paul asked that if they, with Christ, had died to cosmic powers, why should they be bound to rules that say not to touch certain foods, do not handle certain things, do not taste certain things and do not touch certain things, as if you were still living a life bound to the world? If you do, you are bound to things that perish after their use because they are based upon human beliefs and doctrines. Those things make a show of false wisdom by their piety, humility and bodily self discipline that only produces pride in the person. (Colossians 2:20) Philosophies are not truth. True wisdom and knowledge are from My Holy Spirit and they are authentic truth. Only believe His teaching and His wisdom and your house will be built upon a firm foundation. Your Father of the Fountains of Truth

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