Monday, January 28, 2008

Doors to Blessings

Dear One,
Keep the door open from your end so that My blessings can continue to flow from Me to you.
Sometimes you open the door, shut the door, open the door, shut the door, so on and so forth, and there is no constant flow of spiritual, physical and mental prosperity.
You must keep the doors open through prayer, love, thanksgiving, joy, trust, faith, mercy, peace, goodness and kindness.
My rivers of blessings to you were designed to constantly flow, not be dammed up and then be cleared of debris, be dammed up and then cleared of debris. It's a vicious battle for Me to get My blessings to you when you do that. When that happens, then more patience is required of you because you have opened the door, shut the door, opened the door, shut the door. You have delayed the arrival of the answers to your prayers. Delays are always from your end, not My end because I designed them to flow to you.
Don't shut the door to your blessings by having emotions of anger, depression, hatred, conflict, opposition, strife, doubt or condemnation rule your thought life. They slam the door on your blessings and cause them to retreat from you and your family.
Open, shut, open, shut, open, shut is no way to progress in prosperity. Keep the blessings door open.
Love, God
Galatians 5:18-26
photo from NatashP at

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