Monday, March 16, 2009


Dear One,
Dark clouds in life turn to white clouds at varying times when prayer is applied to them. It is similar to salting a cloud to encourage rain. Sometimes it rains immediately and other times it takes a while before the rain in the clouds begin to leave the dark clouds and the clouds begin to turn white. One never knows how long it will take but, rest assured, the dark clouds will turn to white ones.
Sometimes there are winds and storms that accompany the rain leaving the dark clouds. You must not fret when that heppens in life situations.
Remember that when Jesus cast out demons there were varying degrees of discomfort in the person at the time. Demons never leave without a fight and they like to put on a show of some type. Just ignore their tantrums, knowing that the displays are their last effort.
Dark things always turn to white when My light illuminates them.
Love, God
John 1:9; John 3:19; John 8:12; John 9:5; John 12:46

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