Sunday, July 12, 2009


Dear One,
Since your words have power to influence your life and the lives of your family members and all men, then how much more do My words have power to change every aspect of your life, the lives of your family and the entire world in general.
Your words summon the two kingdoms, My good kingdom to work for you, or satan's evil kingdom to work against you.
In like manner, but to the highest degree possible, My words also command the two kingdoms, the good spirits to work for your good and I command the evil spirits to cease and desist working for your destruction. My words often command the enemy to take his grip off of your life and the lives of your family members so that all of you may succeed in all that you do.
My words are the highest authority in earth and in the heavens. When I speak, either through your mouth in My spiritual language or when I speak directly to the the angelic hosts, there is great activity in the heavens to perform my words.
Speak positive, faith filled words and pray My positive faith filled words and then watch the heavens perform miracles for your good.
Love, God
James 1:16-27; James 3;1-18

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