Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Dear One,
The spiritual dimension from which the earth was created is eternal., which means it is perpetually creating and recreating.
To be eternal means that there is no beginning and no end.
I am perpetual because I had no beginning and will have no end. Everything in My dimension, My heaven, is perpetual, no beginning and no end.
As you have My life in you, you are perpetual, your spirit had no beginning and will have no end because you are in Me and I am in you.
Everything in the earth had a beginning and has an end because of the limitation of time. But I am creating and recreating things in the earth all the time. Everything in its present form eventually wears out or deteriorates or disintegrates except your spirit, the real you, because I live in your spirit.
Since you are eternal, since you are perpetual, since you have My life within you, you can change situations, circumstances and people in the earth by prayer. When you invite Me into a situation to change something, then I perfect it for you. The Eternal can always change the temporal things. Believe for positive changes and you will see them.
Love, God

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