Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Dear One,
My words will always be loving words because I am love like no person has fully know while in the earth. So My words can only be loving words because they proceed from My mouth. My character is love, so My words are love.
You are My child and My words are in you, also. You must speak My words of love in relation to everyone, even those who oppose you and those who hate you and those who try to engage you in strife, jealousy and dissension. It is your responsibility to refuse to fall for those temptations to participate in strife but instead to speak My words of love to them. Love words will cover the negative actions and smother them with My love. Then the person will say, "It is blessed to be loved by you," and you will say, "It is blessed to be loved by you." Then that unity will produce My kingdom in the earth rather than what was previously produced, which was the kingdom of darkness.
Darkness can cover the earth when you engage in its strife filled words and attitudes.
My love can cover the earth when you engage in speaking My loving words to everyone you meet.
Love, God
James 3;5-12; James 1:17; Romans 5:5; II Timothy 1:7

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