Thursday, February 25, 2010


Dear One,
Bad emotions can kill you. Your doctors will tell you that.
Good emotions can heal you. Your doctors will tell you that.
Bad emotions can cause you to kill people, either by word or deed.
Good emotions can cause you to bring life to people, both by word and deed.
Bad emotions are often called the fruit of the flesh.
Good emotions are often called the fruit of the Spirit.
Bad emotions start with negative, vindictive, judgmental, condemning thoughts.
Good emotions start with positive, loving, merciful, forgiving thoughts.
Bad thoughts develop into bad attitudes and actions
Good thoughts develop into good attitudes and actions.
Always reject bad thoughts like you reject bad actions, by saying no to them. They come from hell.
Always welcome good thoughts like you welcome creative ideas, by receiving them. They come from the Spirit within you.
You have the choice between blessings and curses by choosing your thoughts, thus producing either bad or good actions.
You have the choice between bad and good attitudes by choosing your thoughts. Then your actions will be either beneficial or detrimental to both you and others all because of your choice.
Did you not think that your thoughts carry so much power?
Well, they do. They determine the course of your life.
Set a beneficial, loving course by choosing to only accept loving thoughts.
Love, God
Galatians 5:13-22; Philippians 4:8 & 9

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