Dear One, Giving credit where credit is due is more encompassing than you realize. Giving thanks to people is giving credit where credit is due. Giving praise to people is giving credit where credit is due. Giving compliments to people is giving credit where credit is due. Giving love to people is giving credit where credit is due. Giving gifts to people is giving credit where credit is due. Giving time to listen to people is giving credit where credit is due. Giving revelations to people is giving credit where credit is due. Giving forgiveness to people is giving credit where credit is due. All kinds of gracious giving is giving credit where credit is due because all men are worthy of love, thanks, praise, compliments, love, gifts, time and sharing of revelations. All men are due good things that you give because they are My children, My creation and everything you give to them you give to Me. I said what you do to the least of My children you do to Me. It's still true. Love, God Matthew 25:34-40; Matthew 5:42-48, Luke 6:38
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