Thursday, April 21, 2011


Dear One,
Don't fret about mistakes make by yourself or other peoples. Mistakes happen only when a person mistook that something would work or mistook information that his brain said would work, or mistook the distant that the glass or cup or bowl was from the edge than it actually was, or that the vehicle was further from the other vehicle than it was.
Mistakes are accidents therefore they are involuntary actions of someone which results in a misstep of some type.
Mistakes can be a wonderful learning experience. People often say that they will never make that same mistake again, yet sometimes they inadvertently do. When a person learns from his or her mistakes, then it actually resulted in a good experience not a bad one. The mind will replay the lesson learned from the past mistake and cue the person to take a different action that will be beneficial, not detrimental.
There should be no punishment from you for mistakes because everyone inadvertently makes them or will make them at some time in the future.
Learn from your mistakes. They are tough teachers, but you have gained knowledge when you learn from mistakes. That knowledge will determine your future successes.
I don't chide you for making mistakes. I will help you to learn from them like any good father would do. I'm not a father of punishment. I'm a Father of helpful and useful instruction who teaches My children valuable lessons from everything you experience if you will come to me for my loving insights.
A mistake is never a failure. Neither are you a failure when you make mistakes. You are human, like everyone else. You must not condemn people for making mistakes. You must comfort them, reinforce their value, and then help them learn. I do the same for you. Now pass on understanding instead of judgment and condemnation.
Love God
Matthew 7: 1-5; Luke 12:57-59:Galatians 6:1-2

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