Dear One, Your churches talk about sins of commission and sins of omission, always wanting to remind you that you are a sinner. My Holy Spirit talks to you about loving others just like you love yourself, which is My last and great commandment. I gave that admonition because I wanted love to prevail in the earth rather than sin reminders which come from religious laws. I know that men cannot love each other unconditionally unless they know how much I love them. Then My love flows from them like a healing river to everyone. Those occasions of omission are real and are frequent. Jesus spoke of them when He said that when you see someone who is hungry and you feed them that you are feeding Me, and when you clothe someone who is naked you are clothing Me, and when you give love to the unloved that you are giving love to Me. When you refuse to do those things, then you are omitting to share the things I have supplied to you. When you know My love for you and for all mankind, then you desire to show love to everyone you meet, acknowledging their presence and their need to be noticed. When you give goods to the needy, then you are sharing what I have given to you. I said that you owe other people love. Love always gives when love sees a need. Your inheritance is divine, unconditional love from Me so you must pass it on to others who need it and crave it, those inside your household and those outside your household. Everyone I created deserves the best. Give to them what is needed, whether it's love, joy, peace, praise, thanks, clothing, food or revelations of freedom. People are in bondage to the sin doctrine that is touted by religion. Share your freedom with them and tell them how to be free via the gift of the Holy Spirit who breaks every bondage and gives the power to love and free others. You are the conduit of all good things in the earth. You are the fountain of living waters in the earth You are a channel for allowing Me to meet the needs of others. It is your good pleasure to share your inheritance with others. Sharing freedom from religious bondage is the primary gift. Then the freed ones can receive My love which I'm always pouring out upon My children. Love, God Matthew 5:40-49; Matthew 25:34-40; Romans 13:8; Ephesians 3:17-19
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