Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Dear One,
When you assume the role of controller in the lives of other people, your adult children, your friends, your business associates, you are working from the spirit of pride, insinuating that you are the only one who can adequately handle situations. You are being anxious that the other person that you are attempting to control is unable to function without your seemingly perfect methods of operation. That is grounds for rebellion in the other person.
When you attempt to be in control of the thoughts, attitudes or actions of others, it will ruin their lives and it will ruin your life.
Give up the puppet strings that you have so willingly clutched in an attempt to motivate, drive or push others. You get the strings tangled and knotted and nothing is accomplished. Then when you finally decide to pray about the situation, it takes Me longer to untangle and unknot the lives of the people you have insisted on trying to control. Most often, you have gotten tangled in the strings also and have them knotted around yourself, which actually makes you controlled by the circumstances rather than free to be happy and productive.
I give free will to you, yes, even to make mistakes. You learn valuable lessons from those mistakes. You must give free will to your children and to everyone, praying for Me to lead them into the right paths. I am better equipped than you are.
Remember that the strings you try to attach to others in an attempt to control their paths will come back and bind you. Then you lose your joy.
Love, God
Matthew 16:19; Matthew 18:18-19; Genesis 2:24

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