Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Dear One,
     There are people with serving jobs who serve you day and night in different capacities, policemen, firemen, government employees, teachers, waitresses, waiters, soldiers, repairmen and so forth.  They delight in your appreciation of their attention to your safety and your comfort.
     Don't forget that I have given to you good angelic servants who work for you every day in the spiritual dimension around you  They eagerly wait for every word from your mouth to do your bidding, your blessing others, your binding and loosing of good intentions, all according to the words that you choose to speak. 
     There are evil demonic servants who also wait for your cursings, your negativity and your destructive words so that they can begin to destroy your blessings and the blessings of your family and friends.
     That is why the Psalmist prayed, "Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be always acceptable in your sight, oh, Lord, My strength and My redeemer."  He knew that My angels waited to save him from himself because of his evil words that he might speak against someone, so he prayed that his words would be acceptable to Me.  He knew about the boomerang effect of words spoken, that they are not void but they sow seeds and the returns are either blessings or curses, depending on the works.
     I am love and My angels only respond to love words about someone and to someone.  That is why Jesus said by your words you are justified and by your words you are condemned.  There are spiritual beings waiting to perform what you have knowingly or unknowingly chosen to speak into the universe, either blessings or curses.  That is where the choice between good and evil begins, in thoughts, attitudes and words.  James said that pure water and bitter water should not come out of the same mouth because one blesses and the other curses.
      Always choose uplifting, constructive and loving words so that your serving angels can bring blessings into your life. 
     I told you to bless those who curse you for a reason.  When you do, you reverse the effects of the cursing words that they have spoken against you, rendering them powerless.  The spirits who intended to work against you will be dispensed from their destructive efforts when you bless the people who curse you.
    It's always the battle against good and evil.  Choose to speak good and do good.
    Love, God
Hebrews 1:13-14; Psalm 19:14; Matthew 12:35-37;  James 3:1-18; Matthew 5:44.

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