Thursday, March 20, 2008

Legal Rights as God's Child

Dear One,
My written words to My children contain all of your legal rights as My child and they contain all of the promises that I have made to My children. You must know what your Bill of Rights are according to My words that I given in the past. Without knowledge of them, you don't know what is rightfully yours as My child.
In addition, My personal words to you through the Holy Spirit are My words of guidance and insight and wisdom pertaining to the avenues I have provided for your collecting your inheritance from Me. I have provided everything necessary for an abundant life and complete happiness for you. As your Father, I am delighted to facilitate the collection of your inheritance.
I promised that goodness and mercy would follow you all the days of your life. They are constantly with you and in you, waiting to be realized by you. My gifts for you have already been selected, purchased, wrapped and are in the process of being delivered. I will tell you how to open them and make them part of your life.
Continue to lean to My understanding rather than leaning only on the understanding of your earthly mind. I can flood your earthly mind with My insight and My encouragement and My words of love.
Spend time with Me and see the benefits for you and your family. You are all My treasure and I have treasures for you.
Love, God
Proverbs 3:5; Psalm 23:6; John 10:
flag photo from RandySonOfRobert and "Follow Me" from Tony Gerber both of

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