Sunday, March 16, 2008

Love's Healing Words

Dear One,
You are My child, My precious child.
I am elated when you choose to seek My wisdom and My knowledge.
I am also touched by your love and devotion to Me.
I am excited for you when you choose to dwell on eternal things rather than choosing to think about temporal things with worry and fretting.
When you are intimately connected to Me, you begin to see many answers to prayers that you have committed to me come to pass. You know that intercessory prayer is the key to many answers to prayers.
I desire to use you in the ministry of love in the earth, loving the unlovable as well as the lovely, giving peace to the fearful, dispensing joy to the depressed and ministering wisdom to the confused.
I have called you unto Myself so that I might personally nourish you in My ways and with My spiritual words so that you might learn of me and be experienced at hearing My words of truth and wisdom.
I am proud of you, My child.
Love, God
Romans 5:5; II Corinthians 4:17&18; Philippians 4:8
photo by Steve Ellingson of DeForest Wisconsin

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