Sunday, August 14, 2011


Dear One,
A wise man wrote, "Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart always be acceptable in they sight." There was a valuable lesson in it and a principle through which I can give you instructions.
The teaching is that the words of your mouth and the thoughts of your mind are active, always producing either construction or destruction. If you can keep your thoughts and words positive (pure) they will be constructive for your future.
The words and thoughts that are not acceptable in my sight are ones that are negative and destructive, not because they are shameful but because they chart destruction in your future. I always endeavor to save you from your own destruction by giving you insights into the working of the spiritual world.
Negative words and thoughts are not acceptable to Me only because they are injurious to you and to all of My children, inviting spiritual entities to bring curses on you because you have given permission to them through mental designs and spoken requests.
I grieve that you would unknowingly use tools to bring about your own defeat, those tools being your thoughts and your words.
When thoughts are unacceptable, they are unacceptable only because of the effects upon you, designing a sorrowful future for you.
Let your words and your thoughts always be positive so that they will build and plant a beneficial, joyful life for you. Anything that enhances your life and makes it better is always acceptable and joyful to Me.
Keep a clean house mentally and speak forth gracious words. Then revel in your abundant life.
Love, God
Psalm 19:14; Ecclesiastes 12:10; Matthew 12:36 and 37; Philippians 4:4-9

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