Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Dear One,
     Faith foolishness is a deceptive perversion of true faith. 
     "True faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." That statement implies that the evidence of what you have hoped for must have been seen spiritually but not with the human eye.  In other words, through visions or dreams faith sees the things for which you have hoped, but the things have not yet materialized so that you can see them with the human eyes.
     Faith foolishness also involves actions that are contrary to the activities of My family.  Actions contrary to faith can sabotage your receiving the things for which you have hoped.
     The problems in those instances come from your lack of understanding of the battles in the spiritual dimension relating to your inheritance. You must understand that I have already provided everything necessary for your abundant life and godliness.  But, there are bad spiritual beings called demons who exist for the purpose of robbing you of your inheritance.  They use you and your own actions to do it and they do it by tempting you to choose to do fleshly activities of conflict, strife, jealousy, judgment, condemnation, condescension, anger and like actions.  If they can get you to operate in their negative, destructive thoughts, attitudes and actions, then the paths through which My inheritance is delivered to you are blocked with robbers who steal what is rightfully yours.  In those instances, your enemies have used your, yourself, to bring about your own lack and your emotional, physical and mental poverty.  It should not be so for My children. 
     Faith not only involves your visualizing the answers to your prayers before they are evident to the human eyes, but it involves clearing your thoughts, words and actions of all the negative, injurious and destructive images that only come from hell for the purpose of robbing you. 
     Faith involves keeping your thoughts on Me, which guarantees perfect peace and which will only entertain goodness, kindness, mercy, love and what is of a good report. Then your spirit and your mind are in agreement for delivery of the things for which you have hoped, guaranteeing your inheritance of My promises.
     Love, God
Matthew 7;1-2; Hebrews 11:1-2; I John 3:1-8; II Peter 1:3-11; Philippians 4:6-8.

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