Tuesday, March 5, 2019


My Dear Precious Child,
   Paul, through the revelation of the Holy Spirit, chastened My children in Corinth who should have been eating solid spiritual food but instead were still drinking milk for babies.  He told them that all of My wisdom is available to all of My children in the person of My Holy Spirit who lives inside of them in their born again spirits.  (I Corinthians 3:1-3)  It was not an unkind, unloving gesture by Me to tell them that they had remained babies instead of advancing to adulthood.  I wanted to challenge them to begin to seek My kingdom and My righteousness for themselves instead of waiting for someone else to do the seeking for them. 
   There are situations in the earth and circumstances in daily living which require more wisdom and knowledge than human minds can produce.  Jesus Christ died so that My children could access the entire resources of My encyclopedia of wisdom and knowledge, revelations which are stored in My mind.  All of them are available to My children.  I set all of them aside for My children when I created humanity and there are many who seek them but some who don't.  Some of My children leave the treasures of their inheritance sitting unclaimed, the ones of which Jesus spoke about when He said that His disciples should not seek treasures on earth but instead they should seek treasures in heaven which cannot be corrupted, stolen or rot.  Those treasures are the wisdom and knowledge in My mind which I call the keys of My kingdom which perfect your life on earth when My children become mature people with the same abundance of spiritual information that was in the mind of My Son Jesus Christ. (Matthew 16:19-20)
    I inspired Paul to explain what the spiritual babies were missing in their lives by their being sluggards in spiritual matters instead of actively seeking Me, My insight and My understanding into My spiritual treasures.  It is those treasures of which Jesus was speaking when He said to first seek My kingdom and My righteousness; and, if you do that, everything will be done for you, meaning all of your needs will be supplied to overflowing.  ( Mathew 6:33)
    Many of My children are locked into the mindset of the old covenant in which it was said that eye has not seen, ear has not heard, neither is it stored in the minds of men all that I have prepared for those of My children who love Me.  (Isaiah 63:3)  Yet, I said under My new covenant of faith that those treasures are the very things that I reveal to My children of promise through the tutoring of My Holy Spirit.  They belong to you and all of My children, so you might as well access them if you want your life on earth to be pleasurable and joyful.  (I Corinthians 2:10) 
    I explained that truth by telling you that My Holy Spirit searches the depths of everything, even the depths of My Own mind. (verses 10-11)  A human's thoughts and knowledge stored in his own mind can only be known by his own spirit, not by anyone else.  So in the same way the treasures in the depths of My mind can only be known by My Spirit, who is My Holy Spirit, who is also your private tutor.  (verses 11-12 and Matthew 6:19-21)  He is willing and able to reveal them to My children who take time to seek Me, to seek My righteous virtues and to meditate upon the words of Jesus Christ, asking My Holy Spirit to reveal the spiritual wealth that resides in them.
   In the letter written by Paul to them, My Spirit assured the people in Corinth that they had not received the spirit of the world but they had received My very own Holy Spirit who was sent by Me to teach My children the deeper truths that are resident in My mind, spiritual things that cause My children to triumph over the evil that is in the world. (verse 12-13)  Those spiritual truths contain the keys to My kingdom which are My spiritual strategies, My spiritual orchestrations, My spiritual abilities, My spiritual insights, My spiritual knowledge, My spiritual armor in their battles against the devil, My spiritual wisdom and knowledge, My spiritual armies, and also all of the spiritual truths that were taught by Jesus Christ which even his disciples were unable to understand because of the veil of unbelief which covered their minds until the day of Pentecost when My Holy Spirit descended from heaven and came to live in them. (John 16:12-15) As He did in them, My Holy Spirit reveals spiritual truths to your human mind and He does it from the inside of you, enlightening your human mind to Truths which set you free from the devil and from the old religious laws which bind you to the kingdom of hell.
   In speaking about the unspiritual person who does not understand anything that My Spirit teaches, I said that My truths are beyond the understanding of the unspiritual person because they can only be understood by the tutoring of My Holy Spirit.  It is impossible for a person to understand spiritual truths if he or she has not been baptized in My Holy Spirit, as on the day of Pentecost.  Yet, My Holy Spirit is available to anyone who seeks My kingdom of heaven.  Jesus referred to My Holy Spirit as My promise which I made to My children that I would come to earth and live in them and they would be My children and I would be their God.  (Acts 1:1-5; Jeremiah 31:33)  In other words, they would be baptized with all of My wisdom and My knowledge which are resident in My mind and revealed to them by the person of My Holy Spirit.  Jesus told His followers that they would receive My power when My Holy Spirit came upon them, the same power that raised Jesus Christ from the dead.  (Acts 1:8; Romans 8:11) 
   Knowledge is power because it gives insight into matters which a person does not naturally possess.  When My children receive My power, they have access to  all knowledge that has been hidden from the foundation of the world, the vast amount of knowledge which was resident in the mind of Christ Jesus.  He lives inside of My born again children who are also baptized in My Holy Spirit .  He is available to give to My children all of the spiritual resources which will form the mind of Christ inside of you, producing His glory in your life, the glory that makes you shine like the sun.  (Matthew 13:43) 
    Oh, that My born again, Holy Spirit baptized children would seek My wisdom and My knowledge from the Holy Spirit who is resident inside of them.  (I Corinthians 3:16; James 1:5-8) Jesus Christ paid the ultimate prize by being crucified so that you would become My spiritual child with a hunger and thirst for My kingdom of heaven in which all of My wisdom and knowledge are resident. 
   Seek Me with your whole heart and you will inherit the treasures stored in My mind which empower you to overcome every obstacle in the world and you will soar like the eagles in My kingdom of heaven while you live in the earth. (Matthew 6:33; Isaiah 40:31)
   Your Father of Empowering Spiritual Knowledge       

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