Thursday, September 8, 2022


My Dear Precious Child, When you realize that things seen by your human eyes are made out of things unseen by human eyes but which are visible in the heavens, then you also realize why faith is necessary to bring them into the earth from the spiritual dimension called heaven. Faith provides the open door through which things unseen to human eyes but which are visible in the heavens can enter into the earth and become seen by human eyes. (Hebrews 11:1)Consider this truth in relation to answers to prayers. The elements which are invisible to human eyes in the earth but which are visible in My kingdom of God combine to answer the prayers and solve problems for My children. That is why I gave unknown tongues to My born again and baptized children. Those words are unknown to humans but they are known languages to My angels in heaven. Those heavenly words bypass your human mind and flow from your mouth unadulterated by any human unbelief. When My children in the earth pray in unknown languages they pray My formulas, plans or recipes for the combining of elements both in My heaven and often in the earth in order to answer the prayers of My children in the earth. Then the promises of Jesus are fulfilled that He spoke before He left the earth to come into My heaven to sit down with Me. Jesus Christ said that you should no longer ask Him for anything but that you should in His name ask Me to meet your needs, and He promised that I WILL answer your prayers. (John 16:23-24) I am able to answer those prayers because the formula or plan or recipe for answering your prayers was prayed through your mouth in My heavenly language via the Holy Spirit and the answer to your prayers which formerly were unseen elements in the earth will become seen elements in the earth in order to meet your needs. I know how to combine heavenly elements in order to create things in the earth, new creations as well as old creations. I know how to send My angels on routes that circumvent the evil in the earth and deliver the answers to the prayers of My children who pray in My language of the Holy Spirit which have the perfect formulas to cause the answer to your prayers to enter into your life in the earth. Jesus Christ's prayer to Me before He left the earth was that I do not take you and My other children out of the earth but that I keep you from the evil one. (John 17:15-21) My prayers through your mouth in unknown tongues and My personal words of guidance to you through the Holy Spirit, plus your being gifted with the supernatural power of My Holy Spirit all combine to keep you from the evil demons in the earth. That is how I answered the prayer of My Son Jesus Christ. (Acts 2:1-4) I gave to His disciples and My children who believe through their writings the ability to pray in the same heavenly language that Jesus Christ prayed when He prayed all night while in the earth. He emerged from those times of being in complete unity with My Holy Spirit; and My power to overcome every act of the devil in the earth was evident in His ministry in the earth. The same spiritual power is available to My children. (Jude 20) Jude wrote that you build up your faith by praying in the Holy Spirit. My Spiritual power plant inside of you increases in supernatural power as you stoke the fires of My Holy Spirit by praying in the language of the Holy Spirit. Your prayers in the Holy Spirit also increase the earthly exposure of the cloud of witnesses spoken of in the book of Hebrews in your History and Instruction Book called the Bible. When you became baptized in My Holy Spirit My entire kingdom of God broke through the earth's atmosphere and My kingdom came to earth in your life as it is in heaven. (Matthew 6:10) That was and still is the answer to the prayers that Jesus Christ taught His disciples to pray, that My kingdom of God would come on earth as it is in heaven. For the disciples of Jesus that happened on the day of the feast of Pentecost. It happened in your life when you became baptized in My Holy Spirit, My kingdom came on earth in your life as it is in My heaven. I had the author of that book of Hebrews write the truth, that you are surrounded in the spiritual dimension around you by My entire kingdom of God because the veil between heaven and earth has been removed from your life. (Hebrews 12:1 and 22-29) Jesus Christ said that He would come back to His disciples. He did on the day of Pentecost when My kingdom of God surrounded each one of them, giving them My power to do the same things and even greater things than Jesus did in the world. (John 14:12) My kingdom comes into your life by surrounding you when you become baptized in My Holy Spirit. My kingdom consists of Jesus, My myriad of angels, the spirits of the prophets of old who believed in My coming into the earth, the spirits of believers of My New Covenant with humanity and Me. What more do you need to overcome the evil in your world? You have every gift of Mine if you are born of My Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit. As Christ told you, go and baptize people in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit which gives them the authority to defeat all evil in their world, along with you. (Matthew 28:16-20) Your Father of Power and Love

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