Friday, November 7, 2008


Dear One,
You hear a lot about giving in relationship to receiving your blessings.
Have you considered one aspect of giving the action of giving to Me your mouth in prayer so that I can give to you My words of power which will go forth from your mouth to create the blessings for which you have prayed?
In other words, you give to Me the ingredients for Me to create the blessings, the ingredients being your will, your mouth, your voice and your time. And the end result is that I give back to you the answers to your prayers because we have been in unity. Your participation is minimal and My participation is great because I have also given to you the words to pray.
Giving love to people is also giving love to Me. That love will be returned to you from others and you will be blessed considerably. Love seeds have the most productive ability of all seeds.
Love, God
I Corinthians 14:14-19; I Peter 4:8

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