Sunday, November 9, 2008


Dear One,
Abuse is at the center of everything that is considered to be sin.
There is abuse of alcohol, abuse of drugs, abuse of sex, abuse of food, abuse of authority, abuse of religion, abuse of words, abuse of control, abuse of rest, etc.
Evil always works in excess, and it causes one to abuse or wrongly use something or someone.
My Holy Spirit will impress upon you the need for balance and the proper use of everything.
He will lead you toward loving kindness toward all people so that you will not abuse them with corporal punishment or with cruel words. He will lead you toward wisdom and temperance in all things. Temperance is self control and it lead you toward moderation in all things.
When you are operating in temperance you are not abusing anything. You are treating everything and everyone with respect.
Abuse has a face and that face is the devil's face.
Love, God
I Corinthians 9:25; Galatians 5:23; II Peter 1:6-8; Titus 1:8

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