Forgiveness is the solid foundation of My kingdom.
All of the sacrifices that I instituted under the old covenant were based on forgiveness, forgiveness of sins, forgiving of trespasses, forgiveness of falling short, forgiveness of iniquities and so forth. The blood of animals that covered sins or trespasses and brought forgiveness was possible because it was as if the sin never happened. Forgiveness looks upon a failure as if it never occurred.
The sacrifice of Jesus on the cross is based upon forgiveness because His death was a substitute for the seeds you sowed in your sins. Then you can obtain forgiveness, which is a release from sin, a giving forth from y0u of the sin or the trespass or the iniquity.
The saying, "To err is human; to forgive is divine," is true. Only in forgiveness do you truly manifest My nature and the nature of My Son.
Endeavor to forgive all men so that you might be released from the consequences of all sins and trespasses connected with the situation. Through forgiveness you receive new life, freedom from the works of the devil.
So you must forgive, first of all, so that you fulfill the laws of Christ which are to love Me and to love your neighbor as yourself.
Love, God
Matthew 6:12 and 14 & 15; Matthew 18:21-34; Matthew 22:37-40
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