Thursday, December 18, 2008


Dear One,
Keeping peace with all men is the hardest feat a man can tackle.
Some people don't want peace. They enjoy creating conflict because they think it shows they are the one in control. They think that they will lose control if they seek peace because they think that only the weak are not in control of others.
The opposite is actually true.
Peace keepers are in control of the hardest thing to control, themselves. Peace keepers are in control of their own emotions, their own actions and their own tongues.
Domineering people want to control others emotionally and physically by their own actions and emotions and tongues.
It is much more difficult to master your own actions than it is to be master of another person. When you learn to master your own self, then you are mature.
Sow peace with all people and you have sown peace in the world, just like Jesus did.
Love, God
Isiah 26:3; I Corinthians 14:33; II Corinthians 12:11; Ephesians 4:3; Philippians 4:7;

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