Friday, December 26, 2008


Dear One,
You have seen that the power of My words change change people, heal people, soothe people, comfort people, guide people, instruct people and redeem people.
You must always relate that truth to the power of your own words. They will change people either positively or negatively. They can heal or injure, soothe or ruffle, comfort or upset, guide or misguide, instruct or destroy. That is why I said that you would account for all of your idle words, because they have power to change a person's life. You often see the results of your negative words and you do take account of the influence that your remarks have upon people. They hold you responsible for the change in their emotions and hold you accountable.
My words always produce positive, loving results. Make sure that your words are love words intent upon building up the hearer. Those kind and loving words will go to your account and return to you in words and acts of love.
Love, God
Isaiah 55:1; James 3:2-6; Matthew 12:36 photo from villasams

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